Like Micaiah, who was a fearless man for his dedication to God…like John, the apostle, who exhorted his fellow brethren to love not just in word but by deed and trust, so is it with Suffragan Bishop Theron Stanley Wiggins. He is a portrait of a pastor. He is the overseer at Bethel Apostolic Church, Grand Blanc, Michigan.
Bethel Apostolic Church was birth out of the heart of Evangelist Ellen Wiggins, who became the founder and pastor. Its lineage traces back to the mother church of Flint, -Bethlehem Temple of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Its pastors were: The late Dist. Elder B.T. Scott, the late Dist. Elder Jerry T. Lewis and the current head is District Elder Phillip J. Thompson.
It was in October, 1992, when Pastor Ellen Wiggins was summoned by God to start a church work! She was accompanied by a few of her children. This “Gideon Group” held its first service in the living room of her home at 1185 E. Bundy Street, Flint, Michigan. They worshipped there weekly until they purchased this present building.
The Flint Journal Newspaper printed an article concerning this new dwelling:
“In 1989, a building which was constructed for a day-care center now houses Bethel Apostolic Church. On April 4, 1993, the little congregation, marched from the parking lot into the building. Guest at the first service included Robert and Dorothy Gerholtz, previous owners of the building and township supervisor and his wife. The church building consist of a foyer, the sanctuary, a kitchenette, bathrooms and an office. In the future, the congregation plans to add a gymnasium and recreation area open to members and the community.”
Plans were underway and Bethel became a soul-saving and praying station for hundreds! The racially-mixed membership flourished to 50 members. Under the administration of the late Pastor Ellean Wiggins a house was purchased as well as a large lot next to the church. In 2005, the church paid off its mortgage balance of $150,000.
To see people saved, healed, discipled, equipped, empowered and serving.
To be a place where love works.
To teach and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and the principles of true Christianity as presented in the Holy Bible which is the Word of God.
To organize ministries, to prepare our youth to strive and to step in to higher positions leadership in the kingdom of God. Through educational institutes that serve and benefit its membership and this community.
To provide a haven which attracts and inspire people so that the worldly attractions become minuscular.